
IF Cia. presents Somehow.

A meeting point of music and circus. Where sound dances and notes climb ropes. Compass on the air and tenderness smell between dissonant sound and knitted ropes. A meeting point of ropes and bodies. Between bodies that lives inside ropes (floating in knitted ropes) and ropes that inhabit bodies (the cello strings.) Between tension and release of these, which at the same time composes vibrations that allows movements. Dialogs between the intention of who plays them and the interest of who listens to them.

1st of March 2020
Het Klooster, Breda (NL)

2nd of  November 2019
Open Stage Poortgebouw- Rotterdam (NL)

19th of October 2019
Utrechtese Waterlinie Wandeltocht- Utrech (NL)

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